Cinnamon is derived from a tropical, evergreen tree that grows up to 45 feet high and has highly fragrant bark, leaves, and flowers. Extracted from bark, Cinnamon oil supports healthy metabolic function and helps maintain a healthy immune system when needed most. Cinnamon is frequently used in mouth rinses and chewing gums.
Cinnamon has a long history of culinary uses, adding spice to desserts, entrées, and hot drinks. It is a hot oil with high content of cinnamaldehyde and has to be diluted at 0.5% with a carrier oil when applied to the skin. Only one to two drops are needed for internal benefits. This oil is not suitable for kids under 6 yrs of age.
- Add 15 drops to cleaning spray constisting of water (4oz) and alcohol (4oz).
- Add 1 drop to two ounces of water and gargle for an effective mouth rinse.
- Dilute with a carrier oil (1 drop with 10 ml carrier oil) and create a warming massage for cold, achy joints during winter time.
Directions for Use
Diffusion: Use 3 to 4 drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 10ml carrier oil. Cinnamon oil is very potent, so always try on small patch of skin first before wide use.
- Naturally repels insects
- Long used to flavor food
- Add 1 to 2 drops to mouth rinse, spit out