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Carpet Deodorizer
16 oz Baking soda 1/ 2 tsp essential oil (citrus, lavender, and tea tree are best for disinfection and killing mold) Mix well and store in covered glass jar. Sprinkle the deodorizer onto your carpet by hand or with a sugar shaker. Wait 10-20 minutes and then vacuum normally.
General Cleaning Liquid
1 cup water 1/ 2 cup white vinegar 1/ 2 tsp unscented liquid soap 1/ 4 tsp Lemon or Sweet Orange essential oil Mix everything carefully in a spray bottle, then shake before use. To use: spray surface, wipe off with damp cloth or sponge.
Diaper Rinse
Combine 1/ 4 tsp lavender, tea tree or citrus essential oil with 1/ 2c vinegar. Use once a month on remove odors and disinfect.